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The Parenting Time Calendar's "Custom Lists"

Adding Non-Standard Holidays and Other Special Days to Your Parenting Plan

Creating Custom Lists for your Parenting Plans

The Parenting Time Calendar includes a rich set of patterns and lists that include holidays for the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom; however, we recognize that you will probably want to include other sets of commonly used days. For example, you might wish to include your local schools holiday/vacation schedule, or perhaps Jewish, or Mexican holidays or holidays for some other nation. With the Parenting Time Calendar's Custom Lists you can easily include your own unique list of days for your parenting plans. Once you've created your custom list you can use it to include any of the days from the list in as many parenting plan calendars as needed.

You can create as many custom lists as you desire and each custom list can contain as many days as needed, up to two years for the 2-year calendar or one year for the standard and deluxe single year calendars.

As you create a custom list the dates you can include will be restricted to the range of dates defined for the parenting plan you are creating which provides you the assurance that a selected date is actually valid for your plan year regardless of the beginning month.

Creating a custom list for your parenting plans is really pretty easy. Just click on the ParentingTimeCalendar program "Lists/(Patterns)" menu option, then select "Create/Modify a Custom List". A form similar to the following will appear:

Creating a Custom List

Add a day (or days) to your custom list by following the instructions shown on the form. Note that as each day is added to the list it is designated as an overnight stay, "ON", or day visit "DV" by the first two characters in the list. When your custom list is complete save your custom list by clicking on the "Save/Close" button and give your list a meaningful name.

Applying Custom List Days in a Parenting Plan

To apply a days from a custom list into a parenting plan click on the "Lists(Patterns)" menu option found on the program main form, then select "Apply/Remove a Custom Lists". When a file selection dialog box appears, select a previously created custom list and a new form will open and appear similar to the following:

Select the day (or days) you want to apply to your parenting plan. To select multiple days hold down the control key (Ctrl) and click on as many days as needed. As you select days, pay attention to the first two characters on the line which denote if the day will be marked on your calendar as an overnight stay (ON) or day visit (DV).

The overnight stay and day visit pick up and drop off times will be initialized from values entered on the "Preferences" form and will be added to your child care time. You may adjust the times as needed.

Click the "Apply" button to mark the selected days on your calendar. Click on the "Preview" button and confirm the results are as expected.

If you make a mistake or wish to remove a day from your calendar, select the day or days to remove and click the "Remove" button.

When satisfied with your preview results, click the "Save and Close" button to close the form, permanently mark your days on your calendar, and add the time to your child care time totals and percentages.

Note: Clicking the "Cancel" button will close the form without saving any of the days you have added or removed since opening the form.

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